Britney Spears
Have you seen Britney Spears’s “Boys” video? In it she wears two looks. They are completely different from each other and both are very stylish and easy to create.
For the wavy look ...
The cut: The hair is cut into long layers creating fullness through the top and tapering down to less fullness at the bottom.
The style: Some of you may be able to simply apply styling mousse or gel and scrunch this style into shape, however, if you don’t have naturally curly or permanent waved hair, you can get this look using one of these techniques:
1. Waving Iron: Shampoo and condition your hair, towel dry and apply hair gel or mousse formulated for your hair texture. Blow your hair dry for fullness by turning your head upside down and aiming the dryer at the roots first and then the ends. When your hair is completely dry, you can use a waving iron to press waves into your hair. Taking thin panels of hair, gently press the waves in, being careful to line up the waves as you move down the hair shaft.
2. Braiding: Prepare your hair as above. Turn your head upside down and blow-dry just the root area for fullness. While it is still damp, style your hair into many medium sized braids. Remove the braids when your hair is completely dry, then comb, using only your fingers.
To finish styling both of the above styles, flip your hair upside down again and spray the underneath layers with hair spray, for added fullness. Shake it back into place and scrunch in a little pomade, wax or hair crème to help separate the waves and to add moisture to the ends.
Ms. Spears’ second style in the video is a dressier look. This style is a very smooth, sleek and shiny updo. Unless your hair is very long, you will need a ponytail add-on piece similar to these that found at Studio Hairpiece Salon. Brush all of your hair back into a high ponytail, leaving out the bangs. Pin the hairpiece into place. If you pin it into the center of your own ponytail, you can pull some pieces of your own hair forward and use hair wax and hairspray to form it into a few fan shaped pieces. This will camouflage the base of the hairpiece. Finish this style with hairspray, smoothing down any stray hairs. Then spray with spray shine for a high gloss. Take a tip from Britney. With a little effort, you will be having fun with these versatile and stylish looks.
Source: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art5105.asp
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